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September 22, 2023

Valuechain's participation in the French AI and Web3 event organized in Troyes under the name "il IA du Web3 dans l'air" September 22, 2023

🔥 If you missed our panel on financing in the world of Web3, this replay is a must (in French) !

The speakers:

🪙 Nadia DOMEC: CEO of Payinnov, pioneer in crypto-asset payments

🌍 Hassan El Bakkali: Blockchain advisor and consultant of the company iCapital Ventures

🏦 Mehdi Labbani: DG Europe of B4Blabs and Web3 Investment Visionary & Blockchain

Moderator: Laury Jacot CEO of Boonty

🎯 What you will learn in this video:

- Web3 financing mechanisms 💰

- The importance of self-investment 💪

- The role of partnerships and regulations 🤝

👀 Why watch the replay?

- Reinvent your financing strategy 🔄

- Dive into the intricacies of Web3 🌐

📣 What aspect of Web3 fascinates you the most?

Introduction: Web3, the New Digital Frontier

Web3 is not just a new phase of the Internet; it represents a radical shift in data control and ownership. This paradigm shift raises critical questions about funding and large-scale adoption.

Web3 Financing Challenges

Various factors, such as geography and project execution, impact fundraising. The target market and immediate needs also determine the financing strategies to adopt.

Funding Mechanisms in Web3 Space

From raising venture capital funds to Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), the options are multiple. Counter-equity, non-dilutive infrastructure investments and community financing are just a few examples.

The Importance of Self-Investment

Investing in your own project is not only a gesture of confidence; it is also a powerful lever for attracting external investors. Internal financing is often seen as a guarantee of credibility and seriousness.

The Role of Partnerships and Regulations

Technology partnerships can offer valuable financial support in exchange for services. However, regulatory compliance is a costly but essential aspect of Web3 financing.

The Impact of Geography on Web3 Financing

In France, for example, financial aid is available from various organizations. The European Innovation Fund (EIF) is another potential source of funding for startups.

Between Web2 and Web3: A Difference in Mentality

Web 3 investors have a different approach and expectations than Web 2 investors. The transition between these two worlds requires careful evaluation and adaptation of strategies.

Tokenization: A Revolution in Fundraising

Web3 allows companies to tokenize assets, opening new financing avenues. Tokenization can even be used for payment solutions in international commerce.

Conclusion: The Future of Web3 Financing

Web3 has the potential to redefine traditional financing models. To navigate this complex space, a deep understanding of the multiple financing options and challenges unique to Web3 is essential.

In summary, financing in the world of Web3 is a complex but exciting field, constantly evolving. Entrepreneurs, investors and regulators all have a crucial role to play in realizing the revolutionary potential of Web3.

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