At the request and with the assistance of the Association Le Cercle du Coin , a FRENCH TRANSLATION OF THE STUDY by Michel KHAZZAKA is now available. It is a very fine piece of work, long and technical, and we considered it useful to allow everyone to read it, even ... the "less courageous". If the "climate" argument has been used so much (and sometimes by people who were not known to be so concerned about damage to the planet) it's that it's the only one that is politically buoyant today. But "terribly sorry" as Christine Lagarde would say, it's not as sharp an argument as expected. It's even a real boomerang!
Valuechain Thanks Jacques Favier, and Le Cercle du Coin and many others for their contribution in translating and publishing the a full french version of the paper that you can consult here: Bitcoin: Efficience énergétique des cryptopaiements
