Valuechain vient de publier un article de recherche scientifique au sujet d'actualité et récurrent de la consommation d'énergie de Bitcoin due à la preuve de travail (PoW). Le document corrige le Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) et introduit pour la première fois une comparaison de l'efficacité énergétique de Bitcoin par rapport au système monétaire et de paiement classique.
Bitcoin introduced a cryptographic peer-to-peer version of money that allows online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Many recent studies evaluated and criticised Bitcoin’s energy consumption through its Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism without evaluating its efficiency compared to classical electronic payment system.
Based on physics, information science and economics, we compute and compare the energy consumption and define what is the energy efficiency of both the current monetary payment system and Bitcoin cryptopayment system. We demonstrate that Bitcoin consumes 56 times less energy than the classical system, and that even at the single transaction level, a PoW transaction proves to be 1 to 5 times more energy efficient. When Bitcoin Lightning layer is compared to Instant Payment scheme, Bitcoin gains exponentially in scalability and efficiency, proving to be up to a million times more energy efficient per transaction than Instant Payments.
👉🏻 Télécharger le papier en anglais 🇺🇸 (version originale) sur SSRN via ce lien
👉🏻 Télécharger une traduction en français 🇫🇷 du papier ici

Keywords: Bitcoin, Payments, Money, PoW, cryptocurrency, banking, CIT, energy, energy efficiency, Instant, Lightning, Blockchain
le Nasdaq a aussi dédié un article au papier de Valuechain : Bitcoin Uses 50 Times Less Energy Than Traditional Banking, New Study Shows
A new paper claims that Bitcoin is more energy-efficient than the existing payment system --
by Paul Hill · Jun 17, 2022 20:59 EDT
Cointelegraph mentioned Valuechain Consulting paper BITCOIN: CRYPTOPAYMENTS ENERGY EFFICIENCY in its article "Swedish central bankers snipe Bitcoin mining, cite rampant energy use" here's the link to their article
Brussels Blockchain Weekrelayed the paper BITCOIN: CRYPTOPAYMENTS ENERGY EFFICIENCY and will cover at the event “What Solutions does blockchain provide in the ESG sector?”
A brief German version of the paper is available at thanks to Rene
New study shows: Bitcoin consumes 56x less electricity than traditional finance!